Due to the threat of additional inclement weather Friday night into Saturday morning, the Buffalo High School Winter Formal has been postponed until Saturday, January 18, from 7-10 pm.
14 days ago, Derek Pauley
weather map
Winter Formal will be held on Saturday, January 11th from 7:00pm-10:00pm at BHS! Tickets will go on sale after Christmas break!
23 days ago, Derek Pauley
winter Formal
Just a reminder: There is no school tomorrow, November 5th, due to Election Day. Enjoy the day off!
3 months ago, Derek Pauley
Reminder: Parent-Teacher conferences are tonight from 4:00-6:00. If you would like to meet with a teacher, please contact the main office. Thank you!
4 months ago, Derek Pauley
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Tdap and meningococcal vaccines are required for all 12th grade students. September 7th is the deadline to turn in shot records to the main office. If you have not turned in your shot records, please do so in the morning. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Derek Pauley
First Day of School Information Ninth grade students will report to school at normal time. If you drop off a 9th grade student, then they must arrive at school before 7:50. They will have activities with our Link Crew to welcome them to BHS. There will be a 3.5 hour delayed start for students in grades 10 through 12. Buses will run for upperclassmen 3.5 hours after their regular morning bus times. If your upperclassmen student drives or is dropped off at school, then they need to be at school by 12:00. Upperclassmen will have the opportunity to eat lunch when they arrive at school. Students will report to mentoring after lunch to receive their schedules and additional information. Mentor lists will be posted on the wall in the Commons. We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!
over 1 year ago, Derek Pauley
Golf Team try-outs will be held at Big Bend Golf Course on Monday 7/31/23 at 1:00. Please bring all necessary equipment. All players must provide a current physical to participate.
over 1 year ago, BHS Webmaster
Bison Golf
The soccer meeting for tonight has been moved to Thursday, at 6:00pm in the commons. Players and parents are urged to attend.
over 1 year ago, BHS Webmaster
Family Care Free Sports Physicals and Immunization Clinic
almost 2 years ago, BHS Webmaster
2023 Immunizations
2023 Physicals
Spring sports registration is now open. Please got to the website listed below and click on REGISTRATION to sign up for baseball, softball or track and field for the 2023 season. Spring sports practices begin February 27. https://wv.8to18.com/buffalohs/home
almost 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
Parents/Guardians Winter sports sign ups are now open for sign ups on our athletic website. If your student is interested in playing boys or girls basketball, swimming, or wrestling please fill out the online forms prior to the first day of practice. Students must have a physical on file with the school and it must be dated on or after May 1st 2022 to participate in practice or tryouts. https://buffalohs.8to18.com/
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
All 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students will be taking the practice SAT (PSAT) on Wednesday, October 12th. This is the National Merit Qualifying Test for 11th graders. The test will begin promptly after the tardy bell and is estimated to be over, for most students, by 12:30. To keep from having Test Irregularities, no student sign outs will be permitted during testing and sign outs after the test must be done in person, no notes will be permitted. Students are not permitted to bring anything into the testing room except for number 2 pencils (non-mechanical), an approved calculator and water. All other personal items, including phones, Apple watches, etc. must be left outside of the testing room. Students will report directly to their testing room when the bell rings. We encourage students to get a good night’s sleep, eat a good breakfast and come prepared to do their best on the test.
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
As part of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), school systems are required to provide assessment notification to parents and families regarding federal, state, and district-required assessments. That notification document can be found on our Putnam County Schools website under Menu and Parents. If you need help accessing the document, please contact the school, and we can help you locate it. Not all assessments listed on the document are required - some of the state level assessments are optional and others pertain only to certain programmatic levels. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask the school. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
Homecoming @ BHS on Friday Sept 30 Fired Up Friday with WSAZ from 6am-7am in the Main Gym. Doors open at 5:40am Homecoming Parade, Line up at 4:30pm at Raynes Funeral Home and Parade begins at 5:00pm. If your group wishes to participate in the parade please email Mr. Clendenin at bclenden@k12.wv.us Homecoming Game vs Man at 7pm. Tickets on sale now on gofan.co https://gofan.co/app/events/714382?schoolId=WV311 Presale tickets sold at lunch on Friday as well.
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
Homecoming Dance will be Saturday night form 7pm-10pm at Buffalo High School. Guest forms are due no later than noon Wed Sept 28. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased during lunch or at the door.
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
Reminder the Buffalo High School Open House will be held tonight, August 22, from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
Students first day of school will be Wednesday August 24. Freshmen will report on the normal schedule. Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores will report on a 3.5 hour delay.
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
Aug 24 Schedule
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Buffalo High School Open House on Monday August 22 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
Seniors and Senior Parents: The Putnam County Health Department will be holding Immunization Clinics on Aug 17 for 9am -3pm and Aug 18 form 8am - 6pm. Please be reminded that a meningococcal immunization is required for Seniors by the first day of school. If you cannot make either of these clinics you can call the PCHD to set up an appointment at (304)757-2541 or you can contact your childs health care provider. Please bring a copy of your child immunization record for the first day of school
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
PCHD Clinic
ACADEMY TRAINING DAY: Senator Joe Manchin in partnership with the West Virginia University ROTC is hosting an Academy Training Day on Saturday, August 27, 2022. There will be opportunities for students to explore a future in military and build important connections towards that career path. Click here for more information.
over 2 years ago, Shawn Wheeler
Academy Training Day